Amy Poelker St Ann Mayor 2023 - Present

Westlake Landfill

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pg 1 n 2 shelter in place reccommendations pg 3 minimum supplies to keep with you

Westlake Questions My Personal Summary of Meeting Dec 29 2014 seen in You Tube Video Below

To be clear on the Westlake Landfill issue.... I do not appreciate the government allowing this pipeline to be run through my city, and especially that they felt it was not necessary to inform local government of what they were doing.

I personally feel that the responsibility for this nightmare lies in the hands of the Federal Government which created the Uranium issue to begin with by not properly disposing of the materials and not informing the public of what they had been exposed to.

Ultimately I feel it is the Federal Government who should own up to their responsibility and create a safe environment for the citizens to live and work within.

My work on Westlake Landfill

Summary Opinion on Westlake Landfill Letter

EPA Reccommendations on Removal of Radioactive Waste

My EPA Speech (we had 2 min)

Westlake Presentation

FUSWRAP Final Meeting Presentation

DNR Final Presentation

History of Westlake

UMSL Westlake Report

Atomic Energy Commission - Cotter

History of B & K Construction



EPAs Inaccurate Statement to the Public

A huge win on this battle on the West Lake Landfill. 2/1/18

Now is the time to sign up for their Newsletter if you haven't already.
and they only want to dig down 16 feet.

Tuesday we will know who to write/email.
If we don't take the time to tell them how we feel...the Lobbyists will decide for us.

Stay tuned for more information
we only have 45 days.

EPA wants to do partial excavation of contaminants at radioactive West Lake Landfill Superfund site

St Louis County Emergency Plan for Westlake This is County's claim to fame on the Westlake issue. However if you read this it's only an Outline of things to look at, there are NO DETAILS OF WHAT TO DO WHEN WHERE WHY OR HOW......



 On this page I'll Explain my views on the Westlake Landfill and what I have done towards it to date.

Information below was placed prior to 2019.

Westlake Landfill Forum

Dailey Petition 11-14-2016

11 16 16 Letter to Mark Haque EPA Region 7

I want to touch base with you today on one more issue…Westlake Landfill.

On my way to Highway 70 via Lindbergh, one night a couple of years ago.  I noted that there were some type of construction trucks putting in something along the Rock Road in front of Home Depot.

The next morning it was brought to my attention that a Pipeline was being installed along St Charles Rock Road from Bridgeton’s Westlake Landfill to just under the Viaduct at I170/St Charles Rock Rd. This was to become A 7.5-mile, 8” pipeline which passes 4 schools, businesses and residential homes, and dumps Leachate into a 15” line under i170 that free flows into Bissels sewer line.

I requested and Held a Public Forum on the Westlake Pipeline. If you check my website or download my Phone App from your Google or Apple App Stores you will find the almost 2-hour meeting video.

The details of the pipeline were explained and maybe half of my 67 questions that I put together from the residents, were answered. I needed to know more, and through Dawn Chapman found out about her meetings and began to attend to find out more. Neither Republic, nor MSD were able to tell me that it was likely Modot that authorized this pipeline through my city. Modot has that authority as it was put in their row and they do not have to tell the Municipal Governments what they are doing.

I introduced and spoke on it before my Airport Township. The Committeeman Bruce Buwalda (also the Chairman of the St Louis County Central Committee and a Member of the Missouri State Committee) decided to hold the next township meeting at one of the Westlake Moms meetings. After listening to the issue 1st hand Bruce brought US Senator Roy Blunts participation into the matter and Bill s2306 was prepared and presented before the US Senate and passed. From which Bill 4100 was developed and is waiting in the US House of Representatives for passing.

I also informed Dawn Chapman that Missouri Senator Maria Chappelle Nadal was one of Bridgeton’s Mo Senators and would be a good source for bringing attention to the issues of the Westlake Landfill, to further push public awareness necessary to make change. Maria has done an outstanding job at this.

Since then my Airport Township Committeeman has continued to follow up on the progress of the bills and I found out at the RNC Convention that Bruce also drew Congresswoman Ann Wagner’s attention to the Landfill issue, which is gaining interest and importance not only to those who reside in the area affected but also to those located miles from the landfill, since it has been identified as a probable threat. Congressman Wagner has made good progress on Bill 4100. A letter signed by both Congress members and both US Senators concerning the need for urgency to action has also been pushed forward.

These are our towns; our children have been raised or are being raised here…NO ONE TOLD US THIS NUCLEAR WASTE WAS IN OUR “BACKYARDS” ….

Many of our candidates for office have chosen the Westlake Landfill as an issue to run on to get our Votes… We watch them come on strong and then back away in their efforts once they think we are not watching any longer. My participation has been and will remain to stay the steady course pushing and reaching out to our legislators and keeping you the public informed.

            The lack of concern and foot dragging by both State and Federal agencies lets us know that, each one of us should be emailing, writing or calling our representatives daily, weekly, monthly whatever it takes to get their attention. This is what it will take to get this matter resolved, the Westlake Moms have done a great job of bringing attention to the matter but need our help to bring home the win.

Make no mistake about it, in my opinion this landfill issue is the result of our Federal Government giving full immunity to Mallinckrodt and then not ensuring public safety. The full responsibility for this should lie in the hands of our Federal Government. Kit Bond tried to take care of it in the 80’s but did not have enough support. For Ch 5 to report last year that the EPA said at most only a few would be affected - is an outrage, they basically said they consider us all to be collateral damage.

As an Alderman of the City of St Ann, this is what I have accomplished to date on this issue. I will continue to fight for FUSRAP to gain control over the cleanup of this Nuclear Nightmare.

Now should I win my election...I will push for the County to develop an emergency plan with micro details to share with the Unincorporated and Municipal Governments, as in my personal opinion their current plan lacks the details needed for our Emergency Responders to plan around. Also an Emergency Preparedness list for the residents, should be developed, that to the best of Counties Ability with the limited knowledge of the full capabilities of what could really happen with this landfill, can aid the residents in Emergency Preparedness for their families at home and while out and about, so that a last minute panic to get the kids or get out of town can be minimized, while this possibility remains a threat.

s2306 Brought to the Senate floor by Roy Blunt...Click here....

There seems to be some question as to the etiquette of the Election Board moving its location. Yet Maria Chappelle Nadal uncovered that the current location was also a Nuclear Waste site.
   Things that make you say Hmmmm... 

10/17/2023 Coldwater Creek Clean Up

Regional West Lake Landfill CommUnity Meeting October 15, 2015

pg 1 n 2 shelter in place reccommendations pg 3 minimum supplies to keep with you



Ann Wagner's July 16 Letter

The Candidates will be using Westlake to get your vote. For me I will weigh in on actual accomplishments versus rumor or speculation on this issue. Here is a story on it...



Amy Poelker, 3459 Mary Ann Ct., St Ann, Mo., 63074

Regarding the decision on the Westlake Landfill Site, I wanted to make these additional comments known.

The ground water is said to be severely contaminated which means radiation is getting into the leachate that flows through that pipe - that flows 7.5 miles past schools, businesses and homes, that they put in a couple of years ago, from the landfill down St Charles Rock Rd through till it hits I-170, where it then free flows through the sewers throughout all of North St Louis County and City till it winds up in the Mississippi River and when there is flooding, the gates at the end, at Bissell are opened and NO filtering is done. I have provided here a link to a hearing our city had with Republic on this when we found out about it being installed, it was authorized without our knowledge. They would not tell us who authorized it.

16 feet is just not deep enough to dig down, to remove all that waste and then cap it.
There are (2), 18-wheeler trucks full of that contaminated stuff about 50 feet down. I have provided a link for this as well. Your own report shows there is a danger to not removing the entire product. I have provided pics of these statements below.

They must get those trucks out of there for our ground water to be safe because there is no clay bottom to this landfill, I personally toured the landfill, and this was discussed while viewing their maps, so the contamination will continue to spread through the ground water. Over the last 4 decades who knows just how far this has already spread to?

The Federal Government gave Mallinckrodt Complete immunity in creating and disposing of the Nuclear Manhattan Project. Thus, leaving only the Federal Government responsible for all the details involved with it, then they failed the people of the United States of America by not ensuring/following up on those who finalized the project when it was done. I contend that the Federal Government is responsible for a total clean up of the project all the way down to the bedrock bottom, which with the ground water being contaminated so much - has likely led to increased levels of radon throughout the metro area. Thus, in my view, the Federal Government should also be including the Radon remediations needed because of this dumping and spilling all over the St Louis area.

Finally, I would like to know what damage has been done by Coldwater Creek through its tributaries. When it floods, Cold Water Creek backs up and no longer runs North, so how much damage has occurred because of this?

How much damage was caused by the burial of these products on the Airport properties prior to its removal in the 70's and during its removal in the 70's? Why wasn't this checked out back then?
Now, my residents along the creek have recently been notified of the possibility that their properties are contaminated, as one of the properties at 4105 Ashby Rd., came up positive according to some lawyers.


The previous administrations EPA treated these residents as collateral damage, let's make sure the current administration does it right! For everyone's sake including our kids, grandkids and great - great grandkids....

Thank you,


Traducido por Google Translate
En mi camino a través de la autopista 70 Lindbergh, hace un par de años una noche. Noté que había algún tipo de camiones de construcción que ponen en algo a lo largo del camino de la roca delante del Home Depot.
A la mañana siguiente fue traído a mi atención que un gasoducto estaba siendo instalado a lo largo de St Charles Rock Road a partir de Bridgeton Westlake relleno sanitario, justo debajo del viaducto en i170 / St Charles Rock Rd. Esto se convertiría en una de 7.5 millas, "tubería que pasa a 4 escuelas, negocios y residencias, y descarga de lixiviados en un 15" 8 línea bajo i170 que fluye libre en línea de alcantarillado Bissels.
Solicité y realizó un foro público en el Westlake Pipeline. Si revisas mi sitio web o descargar mi Teléfono: Aplicación de su Google o Apple tiendas de aplicaciones se encuentra el vídeo reunión casi 2 horas.
Los detalles de la tubería se explicaron y tal vez la mitad de mis 67 preguntas que he formulado a partir de los residentes, fueron contestadas. Necesitaba saber más, ya través de amanecer Chapman enteré de sus reuniones y empecé a asistir para averiguar más. Ni República, ni MSD fueron capaces de decirme que era probable Modot que autorizó este oleoducto a través de mi ciudad. Modot tiene esa autoridad, ya que fue puesto en su fila y que no tiene que decir a los gobiernos municipales lo que están haciendo.
Me presenté y hablé sobre el mismo antes de mi municipio aeropuerto. El Miembro del Comité Bruce Buwalda (también el Presidente del Comité Central del Condado de San Luis y miembro del Comité Estatal de Missouri) decidió celebrar la próxima reunión del municipio en una de las reuniones Westlake madres. Después de escuchar el tema 1 de la mano de Bruce trajo la participación de EE.UU. senador Roy Blunt en la materia y Bill s2306 fue preparado y presentado ante el Senado de Estados Unidos y pasó. Desde la que Bill 4100 se desarrolló y se está a la espera en la Cámara de Representantes por aprobar.
También me informó de que el amanecer Chapman senador de Missouri María Chappelle Nadal fue uno de Mo Senadores de Bridgeton y sería una buena fuente para llamar la atención sobre los problemas de la Westlake relleno sanitario, para impulsar aún más la conciencia pública necesaria para hacer el cambio. María ha hecho un trabajo excepcional en este.
Desde entonces mi Aeropuerto municipio Miembro del Comité ha continuado el seguimiento de los avances de los proyectos de ley y descubrí en la Convención RNC que Bruce también llamó la atención de la congresista Ann Wagner a la cuestión sobre vertederos, que está ganando interés e importancia no sólo para los que residen en la zona afectada, sino también a aquellos millas encuentra desde el vertedero, ya que se ha identificado como una amenaza probable. Congresista Wagner ha hecho grandes progresos en la Ley 4100. Una carta firmada por ambos miembros del Congreso y los dos senadores de Estados Unidos en relación con la necesidad de urgencia a la acción también ha sido empujado hacia adelante.
Estas son nuestras ciudades; nuestros hijos se han planteado o se están planteado aquí ... NADIE NOS DIJO ESTA los residuos nucleares estaba en nuestro "patios traseros" ....
Muchos de nuestros candidatos a cargos han optado por el vertido de residuos Westlake como un problema para ejecutarse en conseguir nuestros votos ... Vemos que vengan en una fuerte y luego de vuelta de distancia en sus esfuerzos una vez que se considera que no estamos viendo por más tiempo. Mi participación ha sido y seguirá siendo para mantener el rumbo constante empujando y llegar a nuestros legisladores y mantener informado al público.
            La falta de preocupación y arrastrando los pies por ambas agencias estatales y federales nos hace saber que, cada uno de nosotros debería estar enviando un correo electrónico, escribiendo o llamando a nuestros representantes diaria, semanal, mensual lo que sea necesario para conseguir su atención. Esto es lo que se necesita para conseguir este asunto resuelto, las mamás Westlake han hecho un gran trabajo de llamar la atención sobre el asunto, pero necesitan nuestra ayuda para llevar a casa la victoria.
No se equivoque al respecto, en mi opinión, este problema vertedero es el resultado de nuestro Gobierno Federal da inmunidad total a Mallinckrodt y luego no garantizar la seguridad pública. La plena responsabilidad de esto debería estar en manos de nuestro Gobierno Federal. Kit Bond tratado de cuidar de él en los años 80, pero no tienen suficiente apoyo. Para Ch 5 reportar el año pasado que la EPA dijo que a lo sumo sólo unos pocos se verían afectados - es un ultraje, que básicamente dijeron que consideran que todos seamos daños colaterales.
Como Concejal de la Ciudad de Santa Ana, esto es lo que he logrado hasta la fecha sobre este tema. Voy a seguir luchando por FUSRAP para ganar control sobre la limpieza de esta pesadilla nuclear.
Ahora debería ganar mi elección ... Voy a presionar por el condado para desarrollar un plan de emergencia con micro detalles para compartir con los gobiernos municipales no incorporados y, al igual que en mi opinión personal de su plan actual carece de los datos necesarios para realizar nuestros los servicios de emergencia para planificar alrededor. También una lista de Preparación de Emergencia para los residentes, se debe desarrollar, que a lo mejor de los condados de habilidad con el conocimiento limitado de las capacidades completas de lo que realmente podría suceder con este vertido, puede ayudar a los residentes de preparación de la emergencia para sus familias en casa y mientras que fuera de casa, por lo que el pánico de último minuto para conseguir que los niños o salir de la ciudad puede ser minimizado, mientras que esta posibilidad sigue siendo una amenaza.

Regional West Lake Landfill CommUnity Meeting October 15, 2015

St Louis County Emergency Plan for Westlake

pg 1 n 2 shelter in place reccommendations pg 3 minimum supplies to keep with you



click here to VIEW Summary fo Dec 29 Meeting on Pipeline


I wanted to share this information with you, to assist you in finding information on what you or maybe your kid could do beyond school to achieve a NICE PAYING job.
As I understand it, an apprentice will start at a good wage, right out of high school.
When you graduate you graduate with 40-45 College Credit Hours, and apparently, they have a program to help you complete your degree if you choose to go that route. Great benefits and in this particular union, they do a variety of work... HERE is where there is a lot of job growth currently as the Baby Boomers are aging out and it is getting more difficult to find people in these fields.
Lack of laborers affects us all...
Have you tried to get something fixed and were told it would take 2 weeks to get someone to you.
This is why - the industry needs more workers.
Think about it, if you are in need.
These jobs once trained pay extremely well!

HIGH HILL, MO. 63350


Learn About Me...



 Zoo Member, NRA, KCU, St Ann Alderman in 6th Term - Unopposed last 6 runs, USAV, AAU V, Operation Graduation, Pride & Promise, SAPA, SABA, Ran as a Candidate for St Louis County Council 2x -got 41% of vote. RLAC & Ritenour Parent Advocacy Committees.

Paid for by Amy Poelker.

Resume on Linkedin - Click Here

Paid for by Amy Poelker.

Paid for by Citizens for Amy Poelker, Treasurer Christopher Poelker.