Thank you St Ann for coming out to Vote. There was a 15% Turnout and 66% of you said YES
let's fix the streets. Thank you.!!!
tax itself does not begin to collect until April 2020. So you know. I will keep you in the loop on future details as
I get them.
Proposed |

Ashby Work Click to Enlarge |

Old St Charles Rk Rd Work - Click to Enlarge |


Proposed |

Proposed |


TDD Transportation Development District Language
FYI For those who have not learned about the Better Together Amendment going on the Ballot in 2020. It will ELIMINATE our
City Street Department as well as our Police Department. What it will mean for Streets is that they will likely NEVER be addressed...if
this amendment passes. I provide you this article from Indianapolis on their experience with their streets when they Merged.

TDD Court Schedule

22, 2018 we held the final meeting of the
Street Committee for 2018, pending the actions of the Board of Alderman they
may be asked to attend 1-2 more meetings in 2019.
The "General
consensus"(ie: majority) of the Citizen's Street Committee
and the 30-35 residents that were in attendance to hear for themselves and ask
questions as well...Was:
1. The streets need to be addressed
2. The monies in the city budget are not enough to cover the needed repairs
3. There are not enough services that could be cut to cover the needed repairs
4. When the people voted to maintain their parks, we should honor that decision
5. When the people voted to maintain the Police Dept. staffing level, we should
honor that decision.
6. That we should recommend to the Board of Alderman to go ahead and attempt
one more time to have a Vote of the People on a dedicated City Wide (so no
business would be excluded) Transportation Development Tax of .01
additional to the .75 of .01 cent already in existence, which does not include
all of the business districts in the city. The
Rock Rd TDD will pay itself off and be eliminated at that point. A.05/100 assessed Property Tax will be returned to the residents,
to make up some of their additional expenditures. (many of
you may have questions on this, I ask that you either call or email me for your
needed answers). 314-517-2378 or
Remember this is just
the recommendation that will go on to the Board of Alderman,
the BOA, will make the final decision to go ahead or not go ahead with this
recommendation. Most of the Alderman were in attendance to hear 1st hand what
their residents’ concerns were.
Please forward your thoughts to your alderman so they hear your voices.
Thank you
Alderman Amy Poelker
Thank you to the Citizens of the Street Committee for your service to your
And Thank you to the Citizens who attended last nights meeting to help us
was the information the Committee had for review
This page in my
website has all of the information we have covered so far
Most important to
review are the following
2018 Budget
2017 pci rating of streets
ward map
street plan 2017
Q&A of tdd
roadwork history
st ann demographics
Pci history through 2016 when we tried
to pass the 1st tdd
Also recommend viewing
the You tube videos I have produced.
with the loss of Northwest Plaza which
contained 144 sales tax producing stores compared to the 15 it will contain
now, the Revenue from the Crossings will never be the same as in years past. In
previous years with millions coming in - the previous boards never had to worry
about revenue and if they wanted to fix or buy new - they just could.
However they also saw no need for infrastructure maintenance into the
future.... but this is where we are at today. With not only the need to fix and
repair the infrastructure...streets, sidewalks, city trees.... but also set up
a system that will keep this from happening again.
As many
of you are aware, I
fought alongside the ladies in 2010/2011 against Prop S which was a
Property Tax of 9.4 million dollars to fix our city streets. At the time
homes were being foreclosed on left and right, and our greatest asset Northwest
Plaza had been lost with no hopes of resurrecting the city’s largest revenue
source. Thus, leaving the brunt of the cost on the backs of the Homeowners.
Many of us were either elderly or out of work or had to take jobs that did not
pay as much while companies laid off their full time workers to meet new regulations.
A property tax for this amount of money would have had to have taken 20 years
to pay off, which also meant we would still be paying off the debt when the
streets would need to be redone again.
As a Board we have been looking for a solution to this problem ever since.
Most importantly with the Revival of our largest Business District now
called The Crossings at Northwest as well as a few other newer businesses
throughout the city. There is something we can do now with your permission
through a Vote of the people. Its called a Transportation Development District.
TDD is a sales tax, through a
Sales Tax then EVERYONE who visits one of our businesses, so Everyone who drives on
our city streets would do their share to pay for the rebuilding and
maintenance of our city streets.
As some of you are aware of my thoughts on taxes, again I will explain why
I put this vote in your hands.
* Four years ago when we made the deal to get the Anchor
store for the Crossings, the city rolled back its tax rate by .5%.
* Our streets and sidewalks are in great disrepair, I have attached supporting
documents below in this email.
***** EVERYONE and not just homeowners will
contribute to fixing our city streets.
* This is the last portion
of the puzzle to fix in regards to correcting the
lack of foresight that our great mall might fail someday, so money should have
been put aside for maintenance/repairs of our infrastructure into the future,
versus the spend at will of the past without worry towards the future.
Our staff can only handle about a million in repairs a year, the 2018/2019
repair projects attached below cannot take place without this TDD, the order of
the projects to complete the city will be determined by a combination of cost,
need and manpower but all streets will get done as seen in top picture on this
email and this link to the TDD resolution on my website. See pages 11-29 for TDD info and Payken TDD Presentation pgs 10-46 . The plan
if this
tax passes is to repair/reconstruct $1,000,000 in streets yearly plus
repair/replace sidewalks yearly and address the tree issues.
Next Street Committee Meeting is October 22, 2018 Mark your Calendars and plan
to attend. 6:30pm at City Hall.
Thank you for all you do...
October 22, 2018 Meeting of the Citizens Street Committee
Before Meeting Please...
- Please review
items on this page in detail
- Re - Study the
2018 Budget and the 6 month numbers on the website page below.
- Re - Tour your
Ward Streets to familiarize yourself with their conditions. Most of the
potholes have been filled to the best of our ability to get through the
winter months with the least amount of breakage.
This page in
website has all of the information we have covered so far
Most important
review are the following
2018 Budget
2017 pci rating of streets
ward map
street plan 2017
Q&A of tdd
roadwork history
st ann demographics
Pci history through 2016 when we tried to pass
the 1st
Also recommend
viewing the You tube videos I have produced.
Your expressed opinion has been that we just did
not get the
word out to enough of the residents thus I have spent the last 6 months
reaching out at city events, Ed has assisted, I have held separate meetings
monthly on the 3rd Tuesday for the last 5 months to discuss streets
and for my own ward I sent out postcards to announce this meeting. Previous
meetings and this one, I paid for ads in the Localite to announce as well as
information in our city newsletter. I copied and passed out to residents the
Road Maintenance Program we have used since 2008 after our Street Director Vince
Hamm supplied me with it.
In the Oct 22 meeting we have asked and advertised for
residents to attend to express their opinions, some have responded by email,
some on social media. We have a petition with about 40 names collected during
events where only 1 resident is against. We will be looking for a final outcome
from this meeting from you the Street Committee and hopefully a room full of
residents to make this decision.
The Oct 22 Meeting will be videoed for a You Tube Upload
as many residents as possible can see the discussion.
Your decision will be reviewed by the Board of Alderman,
where they will make the final decisions on how to move forward.
Your opinions and views have been very important in this
process and truly assisted the Board of Alderman, in gaining a better
understanding of the citizens needs in communication.
Thank you for Volunteering for the Street Committee,
you decide, and the BOA agree to move forward with the decided upon outcome. We
will be asking for your assistance again in 2019 to help get the information to
the residents.
Again, Thank you….
Alderman Amy Poelker
DOWNLOAD this STREET PETITION and get your neighbors to sign YES or NO to FIXING OUR CITY STREETS...then just contact Amy
at 314-517-2378 and I will pick it up
Click Picture to Enlarge |

Improved to last 10yrs now as of 2017 |


6 Months into 2018 Budget |

click pics to enlarge |


There were some questions surrounding Community Service, here is the latest on that bill.
Street Committee Meeting
1. Welcome 2 more Street Committee Members
2. Ed Siler Please speak on what we learned from our 1st Food Truck Street Conversations
3. Requested Members to speak with citizens in their wards, would like to hear from each committee member what they learned
doing so.
4. From the Committee Members, have you reviewed the budget? And do you have any additional questions about the budget?
5. Have you reviewed the Street Pci results and what questions do you still have about those numbers?
6. Present Memo of Current Street Maintenance Program explaining the maintenance.
7. Please watch this video before the meeting.
8. Please watch this 2017 video as well.
9. Would like to hear each members suggestions for addressing or not addressing the streets.
10. Petition
Dear Street Committee Members,
Thank you again for coming on 4/23 and learning more
our Streets and our Budget. I hope you learned a lot as well as got many of
your questions answered.
For the next meeting, I ask that you again check out
ward streets and while doing so please take the time to start a conversation
about what you learned last night with any neighbors that you see while out and
Now is the time to get their ideas and feelings on how
best serve their needs and get their streets fixed at the same time.
We learned last night that of the 231 streets we have
in the
city, only 49% of them have had any type of work done to them at all since the
early 70's.
We learned that prior to 2008 our streets had NO Work
at all to them for 10 years.
We learned that just for Street Work alone based off
numbers it would take just over 11 Million Dollars to address. (again, does not
include maintenance once addressed, does not include sidewalk issues, does not
include City Tree issues) thus on the average we would need approx. 11 years’
worth of 1.2-1.3 Million Dollars of revenue to address all 3 and after that,
money to maintain into the future. Unfortunately, this has never been addressed
by the city over the last few decades. In the past they depended upon the Sales
Tax at the Mall to pay for things as they needed them, without planning for a
day when it may no longer exist.
We learned Streets, Speeders and High Grass are most
of the
complaints the Alderman receive from residents.
So please take the time to talk amongst your friends
neighbors and let’s formulate an opinion on how to address this street issue.
a. Cut services? If so which ones?
b. Try another TDD? (If the state legislators don't end
c. Try another Bond Issue?
d. Do not address them at all, which will continue to
increase the price of addressing them at some future point.
Thank you again,
Looking forward to our 2nd Meeting.
Alderman Amy Poelker
Any questions Please call me at 314-517-2378
Meeting's April 23rd, 2018 Before Meeting Please... - Please review items on this
page in detail
- Study the 2018 Budget
- Tour your Ward Streets to familiarize yourself with their conditions.
Ward Map which Zooms to Street Names